
PEAK FORCE 是運動科學訓練機構,講究科學證據為基礎(Evidence Based Practice)。
PEAK FORCE 所提供的服務如下:
二、教練證照系統與培訓:以運動科學知識為基礎的運動科學教練培訓系統與認證。提供各專項運動肌力與體能教練、體適能教練、運動康復師、運動傷害防護師之培訓與再教育 (繼續教育)。

PEAK FORCE is a sports training institution which values “Evidence-Based Practice”

Our purpose is to enhance sports performance and prevent injuries and also to provide training and further education for strength and physical capacity coaches in every kind of sport; training for coaches of teenager sports science physical capability; training and certifications of sports recoveries. At the same time, we provide sports science training services and consulting services for software and hardware development of sports science.
We train Olympic-level athletes, professional sports teams, national team athletes of each country, sports enthusiasts for various sports, and a large group of subhealth population.
Currently, our clients include the China Olympics team, Taiwan athletes of various sports, national teams of countries in North-east and Southeast Asia, medical institutions in Taiwan. Also, we have developed our business to collaborate with many sports training institutions, commercial gyms, the market of “Big Health”.

The services PEAK FORCE provides:
1. Sports scientific training services:

For national/provincial athletes, professional sports teams/athletes and sports enthusiasts. We provide “evidenced-based” international training services to help enhance sports performance. The services include sports science physical examinations, sports science physical capability coaches stationing, sports recovery coaches stationing, sports science coaches’ services, sports recovery and myofascial release service, nutrition management.

2. Coaches’ training and certification system:

Training and certification system based on sports science knowledge for sports science coaches. We provide training and further education for strength and physical capacity coaches in every kind of sport, fitness coaches, physical therapists, and athletes’ trainers.

3. Advisory service for software and hardware of sports science:
Advisory Services for examination and verification of sports technological products, such as sports technological products, wearable devices, sports training devices, fitness equipment, functional fibers, sneakers, and workout clothes. We go global to develop promoting and matching service.

Peak Forceエビデンスベースを基にしたスポーツトレーニングを提供する会社です。

目的はアスリートのスポーツパフォーマンスの向上と怪我のリスクを抑え、さらにフィジカルトレーニングを通して様々なスポーツコーチ、特にジュニアアスリートを指導しているコーチのための教育も提供 。それと同時に、スポーツ科学を取り入れたテクノロジー企業にトレーニングのソフトウェア・ハードウェアの商品開発のコンサルティングとしても活動しています。
Peak Force

Peak Force
コンサルティングサービスはスポーツテクノロジー関係の商品開発において必要な正確性テストやフィードバックを提供します。代表的にはスポーツ用品、ウェアラブル端末、トレーニング器具、フィットネス用具、トレーニングウエアや靴の開発まで。Peak Forceではグローバルに改良されていく商品を使ってトレーニングサービスをしています。